Student Books –  Parent Books –  Teacher Books –  Professional Books

Super Memory

Suitable for IV – XII Std. Students

English | Tamil | Telugu


What solutions does this book offer?
Any exam is a test of a student’s memory power. What they can’t recollect or remember is assumed to be what they don’t know. This is why every student should work to improve their memory. Unfortunately, most of the books available on the market are all theory-based. Super Memory is the first book of its kind for students which improves their memory using activity-based learning. In other words, this is a memory workbook.

Book Description
First ever Workbook on Super Memory to students. Contains 70 modules with 100 activities. A number of Memory Techniques, Dynamics & Games are given. Big improvement in Memory assured.

How to Excel in Studies & Score High Marks

Suitable for 9, 10, 11, 12 Std. & College Students

English | Tamil | Telugu | more than 10 languages 


What solutions does this book offer?
While every student wants to score high marks, how many are trained to study well to do so? This book, authored by Dr.J.N.Reddy, is a treatise for every student who wishes to excel in their studies and score high marks! Core areas of learning like Peak Concentration, Programming the Mind, Memory Techniques, and Systematic Study Planning are sure to boost the performance of every student. Without any struggle, students can increase their scores effortlessly. Lakhs of students from school level to college level have benefited tremendously from this book! You, too, will!

Book Description
This is an authentic and comprehensive book on invaluable scientific learning skills! Through this book which is a product of extensive work for decades, learning is made effortless and Education is made COMPLETE. The 100 Techniques given in this book, have been testified by several thousands of Students, Teachers, Principals, Vice-chancellors and State & Central level Academic Heads. Though this book is primarily intended for students, it will be extremely useful to Teachers and Parents as well for guiding the students much better. You will find this book a great boon with easy-to-follow COMPLETE Learning Skills explained in simple language, and it is bound to revolutionise Education!

You can get Permanent Memory

Suitable for Students, Executives and Professionals



What solutions does this book offer?
1/3rd of an executive’s time is lost in trying to remember things, and many times it is in vain! You can get permanent memory book that deals with identifying your memory percentage as on date and provides over 30 super memory techniques so that there is a remarkable improvement in memory power! The best part is that the improvement can be measured. Thousands of students and professionals have benefited and reached professional excellence.

Book Description
This is not another book on Memory, but the first ever book on Long Term Memory (LTM) leading to Permanent Memory. This is a result of over 20 years of research and training more than one lakh people of all professions. A student who uses this book no longer needs to mug up the subjects; his Education becomes effortless! Any professional finds his work-effectiveness remarkably improved due to enhanced memory. This book not only equips you with powerful memory techniques but also provides you with a ready reckoner for LTM, called MAX Memory Monitor. Truly, it will be a great boon to become a ‘Memory Genius’!

Storm Your BRAIN

Suitable for 9, 10, 11, 12 Std. & College Students



What solutions does this book offer?
Usually, puzzle books come with puzzles and answers. This is a book that indicates the puzzle quotient before using this book and quantifies the improvement after using it. Mathematical, logical, language, and creative puzzles galore. It inspires readers with logic and solutions and throws similar puzzles to test their learning. Storm Your Brain books are the best way to train your brain while having fun!

Book Description
This is not just another book on puzzles, but a uniquely different one which trains to enhance your IQ power through analytical, logical, mathematical, creative, language and speed teasers. This book is the result of Dr Reddy’s passion for brain-teasers for over 30 years. On working this book, in just one month, you will find your brain-power improved remarkably. While this book is a big boon to every aspiring individual, those students and others preparing for competitive exams, would find it extremely useful. It is designed in such a way that an individual’s puzzle-solving ability is developed tremendously.

Smart Reading Book

Suitable for IV – VIII Std. Students

English | Tamil | Telugu


What solutions does this book offer?

Though parents provide all possible coaching and additional subject training, without knowing the learning skills, students won’t be able to perform better in exams. Baring a few students who have their own methods of studying and scoring well, all other students struggle to a great extent to score more. This book has got solutions for all study-related problems. For each and every issue, more than one technique or skill is offered. And the best part is, the improvement is quantifiable. This book is a must-have for every student’s journey!

Book Description
A real boon to school students on scientific Learning Skills. This book gives as many as 60 techniques. Each one is a result of research for over 20 years and training over a lakh of students! This book will revolutionise school Education. After using this book, no student will feel pressure; instead, experiences real pleasure!

Art of Effective Parenting

Suitable for Parents



What solutions does this book offer?

How many parents are trained to become parents? A big question mark! Dr. J.N. Reddy’s book sheds light on many aspects of effective parenting, including how minor changes in approach can result in positive outcomes for children. This book doesn’t advise, but instead suggests down-to-earth solutions for day-to-day challenges. The CD, with over 40 tracks, monitors the children’s activity systematically.

Book Description
Every parent who wants to bring up children for a great future, MUST read this Book. Even though all Indian Parents toil for their children to flourish in life, why do children most often show scant respect for their words or wishes? This book practically analyses and offers invaluable guidelines for effective parenting in 18 chapters. If you implement these practiceable principles, you will surely become a model parent! And, your children will be the best beneficiaries. The perfect daily routine given in the Student Study Monitor audio CD will be a real boon to the children. Further, every parent is equipped with 18 invaluable tips to guide the children to excel in their Exams. Thus, this book equips and empowers every parent to guide the children to excel in every way!

You can Counsel your Children!

Suitable for Parents & Teachers



What solutions does this book offer?

This is a unique book that equips and empowers you to effectively counsel your own children using an innovative psycho-scientific analysis (PSA) method. While counselling thousands of children over the last 25 years, several down-to-earth methods and techniques have been evolved, tested, and testified to be very transformative! All these aspects are comprehensively presented in this book along with various classic case studies. After reading this book, every parent will find it a real boon to use it throughout their parenting days!

Book Description

This is a unique book that equips and empowers you to effectively counsel your own children using innovative psycho-scientific analysis (PSA) method. While counselling thousands of children over the last 25 years, several down-to-earth methods and techniques have been evolved, tested and testified to be very transformative! All these aspects are comprehensively presented in this book along with various classic case studies. After reading this book, every parent will find it a real boon to use it throughout their parenting days!

Life Skills to Excel in Life!

Suitable for everyone



What solutions does this book offer?

This is not another book on self-development. It is an exclusive resource book on life skills. A unique and comprehensive book on extraordinary life skills to increase work effectiveness for effortless living. It is bound to make your life more wonderful. When the readers read, they will find out every page in this book is invaluable. They can grasp the concepts easily. This book makes a turnaround in all our lives.

Book Description
This is an authentic resource book on 101 invaluable down-to-earth lift skills! It is a result of intensive research by the author for over 20 years on several thousand people of all professions. Every skill presented is highly practical, scientific and effective. The vision behind writing this book is that very few succeed by nature. Everyone can excel through nurture! Once you read it, you will love to treasure it for life!

Self-development digest EXCEL

Suitable for everyone

English | Tamil


What solutions does this book offer?

Each page can transform a life! Simple aspects to digest and assimilate. Self-development thoughts in a practical and down-to-earth format. authored by Dr.J.N.Reddy after his long stint of counselling and training people of different age groups. This book is bound to inspire everyone and make them excel!

Book Description

Over 100,000 copies have been sold! acclaimed by the press and media. hailed as one of the greatest books on self-development ever brought out in India. No quality reader can afford to miss reading it. Simple and brief, yet practical tips-laced with thought-provoking exhortations-add a sheen to this publication that underscores the easy ways to ensure stress-free, happy and cheerful living; good health; positive thinking; memory power; and development of willpower.

How to Make Classes More Lively!

Suitable for teachers

English | Telugu


What solutions does this book offer?

Every profession is dependent on the ability of the performer, but teaching is an exception. The outcome is in the hands of the students, no matter how well the teacher teaches! That is why it is critical for a teacher to engage students and make classes lively! Is this something that can be done? With so many distractions, gadgets, and pandemic further reducing students’ concentration, it may appear to be a daunting task. Not if you have the necessary skill sets to make the classes interesting! This book is useful in demonstrating that it is possible to make classes as lively as possible regardless of whether they are delivered online, offline, or in a hybrid mode.

Book Description
This is not another book on teaching methodology, but the first of its kind with 120 Activation Dynamics. This book is the result of training lakhs of people, including students, teachers, and principals, of several schools and colleges. With the help of these dynamics, the classes could be handled very lively and effectively without an iota of drowsiness on the faces of any learner or even the teacher! This is a must-read book for those who crave to become model teachers and play a pivotal role in elevating the standard of Indian education from the disheartening 112th rank by UNESCO!

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